Hiking Through the Gospels: Matthew 1

How jacked up is your family?

Eddie Becker


Photo by Uwe Conrad on Unsplash

Recently I’ve begun reading through the Gospels during my devotion time each morning. I’ve longed to write blogs as I work my way through books of the Bible, and am finally putting pen to paper (or thought to computer). I’m calling it Hiking Through the Gospels. Why? Because if you’re like me, hiking isn’t something you naturally get excited about. It’s a walk through nature, typically up a mountain. But when you’re on the trail, there are wonderful discoveries made before you ever get to the majestic waterfall or mountaintop you’ve been trekking toward. Let’s uncover some interesting and incredible things together through the ancient texts of the Gospels.

How messed up is your family?

I probably don’t know you well enough to sit down with you over a vanilla latte and ask it, but if I did, what would you say? How jacked up is your family? What skeletons are buried deep beneath your family tree?

On the surface, many of us pretend our family is okay. Sure, we might use the ever vague “I had a tough childhood” or “my parents divorced when I was younger.” But what’s the brutal heart of it?

Does your family tree consist of any thieves? Murderers? Adulterers? Prostitutes? I bet if we dig far enough back we’d find some. I’m not too…



Eddie Becker

Writer published on sites such as Bleacher Report, Relevant Magazine, and The Good Men Project. | Top Writer in Music, also writing on Humor, Faith, Poetry, etc